Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Well, it happened.  

Yesterday was INDEED, one of THOSE days.

You know the kind I'm talkin' about.

But no, it wasn't one of THOSE those days.

It wasn't one of those days where nothing goes right and everything goes wrong.  The kind where you put salt in the coffee and sugar on the potatoes; get a notice on that property tax bill you forgot about and lose your favorite pen down the toilet.  

What do you mean you've never  put salt in your coffee?  Just me?  Oh.  OK, Smartie Pants. Good for you.  Anyhow...

It wasn't one of THOSE days.

It also wasn't one of those days where nothing could go wrong.  The kind of day where you find yourself virtually in the zone, flawless, effortless, brilliant.  The kind of day where you wake up, look in the mirror and are astonished by just how dang handsome you are without even tryin'.  The kind of day where you win the lottery without even buying a ticket.

Nope.  It was not like that either. Yesterday was a different one of THOSE days.  But it was still the kind of day that you don't too quickly forget...if ever.

Yesterday was one of those days where you unexpectedly spend time laughing really hard in a pizza joint, in the middle of the day, with a good friend, who you love and admire beyond words, and hear them tell you how great life is for them right now, and how busy they are, and how creative they've been.  

And it feels so good to hear them tell you all about it, and to see the joy on their face, and you are so happy and grateful for that moment because it reminds you how good it can be.

And it was one of those days where a little later on, you see another friend who you love and admire, who's been struggling so hard and so bravely for so long just to survive, stand up on a stage, so weak and sick and frail,  in front of hundreds of other friends, and somehow, incredibly, miraculously do what he does better than anybody else in the world.  

And you can't believe your eyes, and you hold your breath, and you beat back the tears, and you try not to pass out, and when the song's over, you find yourself cheering louder than you ever have, but you can't hear yourself cheering because there are just too many others around you cheering too.

And it just kills you, because you're just so happy and grateful for that moment to see the joy on his face, and to feel the love in the room because it reminds you how good it can be. 

And it was one of those days where the phone rings and it's another friend, who you've loved and admired since you were a kid, who's gone through a really rough time lately.  So rough that you didn't think you'd ever have this conversation.  And your heart's been breaking for days as you've waited to hear if he made it or not, and if he'd be normal afterwards or not, and you can't quite believe you're actually hearing his voice.

So when you hear him say hello it just kills you, and you stutter for a moment while you try to force words, that are suddenly too big and too important, out of your mouth.  

So you fight back the tears, and you hold your breath, and you crack some jokes to try and lighten the mood, and then you both laugh a little.  But all you're thinking is how glad you are he's still around, and how great it is that he still thinks your dumb jokes are funny, and how relieved you are that what he so cruelly tried to do to himself didn't work, and that you hope with everything you've got that he knows now how many are out here still cheering for him, and still hoping for him, and still in awe of him, and still needing him and still loving him more than he will ever know.   

And when you hang up, you're just so happy and grateful for that moment because it reminds you  how good it IS.   

It was one of THOSE days yesterday.

As together we stand and sing.