Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bible Flip Scrip #1

It dawned on me the other day that over the course of this exciting, world changing blog,  I have preached my typing fingers to the bone, but have used very little actual Bible scriptures in the process.

This could have been a fatal move.  Preachers call this, "Not cool."  I'm so lucky I shower on a daily basis - because a lot of things dawn on me while I shower, and the lack of scripture in a Preaching blog just so happens to be the latest dawning.

Let's face it, a Preacher not using Bible scriptures to preach with, is like a Lion Tamer not using Bible scriptures to train lions with.

Somethin' like that.  You get it.  Anyhow...

I want to rectify this as quickly as I can, so today I wanna introduce a new recurring element to this blog called:  

Bible Flip Scrip(ture)TM.

This is how it works.  I will simply grab my Bible, flip through it really fast, then stick my finger in there and see what scripture it lands on.  I will then Bleach (or Blog-Preach) on whatever that scripture happens to be.

EDITOR's NOTE: I used to call this technique "The Flippin' Finger" but then I realized that there was no reference to "Bible" or "Scripture" anywhere in that title, which is kinda the whole point.  Plus that, my wife Gidget thought "Flipin' Finger" sounded dirty.  I won't comment on that.  Suffice to say, Gidget thinks EVERYthing that alliterates sounds dirty.

Anyhow, here goes...

I'm flipping...and now...

I'm sticking my finger on....

Genesis 15: 9!!!

I LOVE this verse.  It reads:

The Lord answered,
"Bring me a heifer three years old, 
a she-goat, three years old, 
a ram three years old, 
a turtle dove 
and a young pigeon."

Now, what lessons can we glean from this very important verse?

1.) The Lord is koo-koo crazy about farm animals and birds.

2.) While the Lord is picky about the AGE of his farm animals, he couldn't care less about the age of the birds, as long as the pigeon is "young".  The Turtle Dove apparently can be as old as Methuselah and still get called up for service.  Oh, to be a turtle dove! Whatever that is.

By the way, what in the world is a "Snapping Turtle Dove"?  How old do THEY get?  And how on EARTH do they FLY with that shell on their back?  We may never know.  Snapping Turtles Doves are a mystery to science and the Bible.  And to me.

So anyhow, that's about all I can squeeze out of this verse.  Kinda makes you wish you were an farm animal or a bird, doesn't it?  Unless of course, the Lord is having them "brought to him" for some kind of a sacrifice or bar-b-que.  In THAT case, I'd rather be a fish.

So which is it?  Service, or Supper?

We just don't know.  In order to know we'd have to, what is called in Preaching circles, "read the other verses around this verse".

Unfortunately that's not how "Bible Flip Scrip" works.  With Bible Flip Scrip you get what you get, and just go on with life and quit cryin' about it.  So get out of here. 

Powerful words.

Powerful Flip Scrip.

Powerful BlermonTM (or blog-sermon)

As together we stand and sing.

