Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Mark 2:4 says this - 

They couldn't bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, 
so they dug a hole through the roof above his head. 
Then they lowered the man on his mat, 
right down in front of Jesus.

Who says Christians aren't good roofers? 

Answer: No one.  

But if they ever do - you can show them Mark 2:4. That oughtta shut 'em up.  This is some SERIOUS roofing.  

Not only did these guys punch a hole through the roof - but they also let the man they were carryin' around down on a mat right in front of Jesus!  In other words, rope skills were also involved.  Christians make great cowboys.  And circus workers.

So what have we learned from this passage?  Three things:

1.) Sky lights are not only handy, they're scriptural.

2.) Never wait in line when you can punch a hole through a roof.  And #3...

3.) If Jesus ever wants to preach at your house and you just put a new roof on, move everybody to the (roofless) patio first.

As together we stand and sing.


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